Even under heavy load each thread will be given a slice of processing time. 即使在超载的情况下,也会给每个线程一个处理时间片。
So, if each runnable task runs its sched_slice() worth of time, it has spent sched_period time, and each task will have run an equal amount of time proportional to its weight. 因此,如果每个可运行任务运行与schedslice()等价的时间,那么将花费的时间为schedperiod,每个任务将运行与其权重成比例的时间量。
By migrating a representative vertical slice of your application, you can measure the time it takes to complete ( and identify potential sources of trouble). 通过迁移应用程序的一个具有代表性的垂直部分,您可以算出完成迁移所需的时间(并找出可能带来麻烦的根源)。
The CPUs on the system are shared among all of the threads by giving each thread a certain slice of time to run. 系统上的CPU由所有线程共享,其方式是向每个线程都提供一定的时间切片来运行。
The time slice tuning parameter allows the user to specify the number of clock ticks by which the time slice length is to be increased. 时间片调整参数允许用户指定时间片长度增加的时钟计时数。
If a task did not use all of its time slice, then half of the remaining time slice was added to the new time slice to allow it to execute longer in the next epoch. 如果某个任务没有使用其所有的时间切片,那么剩余时间切片的一半将被添加到新时间切片使其在下个epoch中可以执行更长时间。
To maintain these somewhat-contradictory goals of activating Slice without affecting the application code and, at the same time, allow some control, Slice employs a plug-in policy-based approach. 为了在不影响应用程序代码的情况下,保持激活Slice的这些多少有点矛盾的目标,同时又能允许某些控制,Slice采用了一个内置的基于策略的方式。
Although both threads exist it's up to the kernel and threads library to give them a slice of CPU time. 虽然两个线程都已存在,线程CPU时间片的分配取决于内核和线程库。
UNIX runs many tasks seemingly at the same time because each process receives a little slice of CPU time in a ( conceptually) round-robin fashion. UNIX似乎能同时运行很多任务,这是因为每个进程都会轮流(从概念上来讲)分到一小片CPU时间。
Profiling is taking a slice of time and looking at the executable to understand what is going on during that particular time slice. 剖析在一段时间内观察可执行程序,了解在这段时间内发生的情况。
He also admits that the company is taking up a much bigger slice of his time than the one day a week to which he signed up after he left. 他还承认,目前他花在微软身上的时间远多于预期水平,他离开时确认的是每周一天。
These are all models of equivalent dipole based on a single slice of time. 这些都是基于瞬态等效偶极子模型的算法。
Each program is restricted to a maximum "slice" of time, perhaps 0.01 second. 每个程序被限制在最大的时间片内,也许为0.01秒。
What distinguishes them is the chosen interval or slice of time for the updating of the programme and the impacting of a delay or delays. 他们之间的不同就在于更新计划和分析延误时,区间或者说时间段分割的不同。
Financial services are a hefty slice of the economy. This is not the time to undermine confidence in the city. 金融服务业在英国经济中占据了很高的比重,目前不应该打击民众对伦敦金融城的信心。
With this method, you lay out the task in detail and then resolve to do just one slice of the job for the time being, like eating a roll of salami, one slice at a time. 这个方法要求你将任务细化成各个小块,然后立刻就可以从小块做起,就像吃一根香肠一样,一次只吃一片。
Continues volume scanning ( CVS) was performed with slice thickness of 3 mm and scanning time of 0 1 s. 连续容积扫描(CVS),层厚3mm,扫描时间01s。
Effects of the slice depth, syrup concentration, osmotic duration, power of ultrasonic wave, time of ultrasound treatment on the osmotic dehydration of carrot were studied too. 探讨了胡萝卜切片厚度、浸泡液浓度、渗透时间、超声波的功率和超声波处理时间等几种因素对胡萝卜糖溶液渗漏脱水的影响。
In the paper, a 3/ 2 slice junction tree algorithm is presented in which the elimination order is not limited and constitution of the junction tree is carried out only one time. 文章在分析联合树性质的基础上提出一种较简单的3/2片联合树算法,该算法不需要限制消去顺序且只作一次扩展;
Cast slice of the sandstones with higher interval transit time verified that the dissolution intensity of tuff fillings took on trunk. 对声波时差异常带砂岩进行大量的铸体薄片观察,证实了本区砂岩粒间溶蚀孔隙发育,凝灰质填隙物发生了强烈溶蚀。
Conclusion CT scan with suitable scan slice and pitch can provide better quality of CT image, and decrease the examining time and the roentgen patient taken. 结论螺旋CT实际层厚与扫描层厚、螺距有密切关系,选择合适的扫描层厚及螺距对提高CT图像质量、减少扫描时间、减少病人接受的放射剂量均大有益处。
The method can auto-segment the color slice images of Virtual Human Dataset effectively, with a satisfied segmentation quality and a suitable time cost and can overcome the effect of the noisy images. 该方法能有效实现对虚拟人连续切片图像的自动分割,能在保证一定分割质量的同时,兼顾分割速度,并能较好地克服噪声影响。
Acid-etching and alkali-etching methods were used to etch on single-crystalline silicon slice and the influence of temperature, time and solution concentration on the surface morphology was explored. 采用酸碱两种不同的化学蚀刻液对单晶硅表面进行蚀刻,通过扫描电镜(SEM)对其形貌进行了表征,考察了蚀刻液浓度、蚀刻时间及温度对表面形貌的影响。
The results of the test reveal that the preemption control model basing on the non-preemptive time slice can reduce the amount of preemptions effectively and at the same time guarantee the schedulability of the tasks. 结果显示基于非抢占时间片的抢占控制优化模型确实能够在保证任务的可调度性、实时性的同时,有效减少不同调度算法下任务发生抢占的次数。
We reorder the data from original slice ordering to time ordering and obtain time series by calculating mean value of every image. Thus physiological frequency is estimated by calculating power spectrum of time series. 我们将原来按层排列的时间序列按时间顺序重排列,并对每幅图像取均值,得到一个时间序列,求功率谱,估计生理频率。